
Posts Tagged ‘resolution’

What happened to your new years resolution?

31 March, 2011 1 comment

At the start of the year, like so many other people, I made a new year’s resolution to do a blog post each week as well as tweets and share links.

However, I also decided I would follow through on how I was going against it.  And now it’s time for the quarter 1 review…

As you can see, I am on track with blog posts, tweets and shared items, but only just.

Of course, if I was completely serious about being transparent I would show everyone my secondary measures as well…but that would be telling 🙂


“A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success” – Cullen Hightower

Happy New Year!

6 January, 2011 2 comments

Each new year brings with it a small set of certainties, nearly as certain as death & taxes.
–          A heap of SMS messages sent around midnight that don’t arrive until later the next morning,
–          Lots of Facebook updates showing the person everyone wants to be,
–          Bunches of (usually generic) predictions about what the next year will bring,
–          Emails from recruiters looking to “catch-up”,
–          New year’s resolutions,
–          Quit-smoking ads to capture people who have that new year’s resolution,
–          And of course, Fireworks.

One of the more challenging resolutions I have seen is blogging everyday of 2011.  I can’t imagine doing that.  Maybe having a Twitter post for everyday (on average mind you) is possible, or even sharing a link for every 2nd day (again on average) – but maybe that will just hurt the quality 😉

Given the quality of my blogging/tweeting/link sharing (which I will suggest isn’t great – writing isn’t really what I do), I have told myself I will aim to post something every week, tweet every day, and share a link every 2 days. Given my day job is all about setting Key Performance Indicators, I will set myself some outcome measures as well (rather than those very basic output measures) and even measure and report on how I am going.

Maybe this will all backfire and this will become one of those deserted blogs, with me hiding in shame somewhere…but that’s the fun of any performance indicator.

Wish me luck.


“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.” – G.K. Chesterton